Consult With Me
Consult With Me

Adult sexual abuse survivors have been known to live
their lives as recluses. In many instances, their stories
of abuse are well-kept secrets. This may very well be
your story; however, in the midst of your secret, your
mind is consistent with thoughts that compare to cars
traveling at highway speed limits.
Now, this could be a good thing, simply because, when your thoughts are in constant motion, there is a small window for negative thoughts to be dwelt upon. But, unlike your thoughts, you may have some pent up emotions like anger, anxiety, and fear that could easily translate to "being stuck."
How would I know you ask? This was accurate for me. Nevertheless, the need for a doctor, a counselor, and the clergy couldn't be denied.
But as your friend,… Friend? Yes, friend. “A person with whom one is allied in a struggle, or cause, a comrade or advocate in a cause” is here to let you know, secrets are made to be broken. Consider it the initial step toward healing. Otherwise, the toxins from your secret will continue to eat at you like cancer.
Let me assure you, I am not here to overwhelm you, but to give you HOPE and a FUTURE?
As you see, I have cried your cries; I have struggled with your struggles. But today, I take pleasure in aiding others -particularly those whose stories parallel mine- in getting the help they need. To serve you best begins with setting a foundation. How about a consultation? Let's talk about where you are now and where you would like to be.
In the meantime, here is a tad about me. To begin with, the dynamics of my workmanship is consistent with my attributes, in which altruism (“having an unselfish concern for or devoted to the welfare of others”) is at the top of the list, followed by my own personal experience, professionalism, and knowledge of sexual abuse. (Certifications are available upon request).
If there is some hesitancy on your part, I for one understand, but on the other hand, might I suggest you test the waters? Meanwhile, ponder this "Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself” (Chinese Proverb).
Join me; you can learn more by consulting with me!
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