How to HEAL YOUR SOUL so, that You Can Live a Healthier & Satisfying Life
Are you ready to embrace healing for your wounded soul and experience the newness of life?
In this course, you will learn how to heal the wounds of your soul after suffering traumatic events such as sexual abuse.

Are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Could it be that you're replaying trauma like a broken record—to the point that physical pain, depression, and nightmares persist?
Are you blaming yourself for thinking about what you should have done or should not have done to cause someone close to you or otherwise, to do some unimaginable things to you?
Are guilt and shame paralyzing you and causing you to live in constant fear? Experiencing anxiety, helplessness, or can't connect with people on any level?
Are you ready to face the truth? Knowing the truth is key to dealing with the past and moving forward into a healthy way of living?
If in your heart—you are saying yes to any of the above questions, mark this as your breakthrough.
In case you don't know, you are embarking upon a journey that will shed some light on your experiences. This light is meant to arm you with information for transformation.
The thing is, there are a host of sexual abuse symptoms that ensues well into the adulthoods of children who have been sexually abused—and in many cases without their knowledge. However, sadness, which is a natural response to losses as well as fear, depression, self-mutilation, guilt, and shame are but a few. Nonetheless, there is hope. You can heal your soul, and lead a life free of abuse, and its symptoms.
As you see, you are not alone! I personally know the havoc that sexual abuse can wreak on you. The symptoms that I mentioned earlier—coupled with other symptoms, were evident in my day to day life. But, I no longer lay claim to the pain of my past. I've overcome it!
Today, I am thriving and am a witness to the liberty wherewith Christ sets us free.
Join me, so that you too can receive the power of healing through Jesus Christ.
Live abundantly!
Love authentically!
Laugh wholeheartedly!



This Ecourse is comprehensive teaching created to help set you free from sexual abuse. We will emphasize the soul because here is where the stain from traumatic events leaves its mark.
But I am here to tell you, God is doing a new thing. He has mandated a spiritual breakthrough and it is available to you. His stamp of approval for your healing shows that demons are subject to you but in order for you to be free this is something you must realize.
This e-course will tackle the issues surrounding sexual abuse and give strategies on how you can heal and reclaim your freedom.
We will dive deep into Biblical principles and concepts that are specific to eradicating sexual abuse from its roots.
To better set you up for success, you will receive a workbook and gain access to an exclusive Facebook Group!
The true nature and source of your perpetuating pain and steps for dealing with it.
Everything God made was good, even sex and, then Satan came along and perverted it.
Biblical evidence shows, God is not silent; he established rules to govern sexual behavior.
Stories that document the effect abuse have on a person.
No matter the extent of your abuse, you can break free from its influence and walk into your destiny.
The true nature and source of your perpetuating pain and 5 steps for dealing with it.
Everything God made was good, even sex but, Satan came along and perverted it.
Biblical evidence shows, God is not silent; he actually established rules to govern sexual behavior.
Stories that document the effect abuse have on a person.
No matter the extent of your abuse, you can break free from its influence and walk into your destiny.